Tel.: +386 (0)2 7800 900
Kc Toš je pridobil mednarodno Meditsiinilised sokid veenilaiendite raviks in ISO 9001 certifikacijo.
Standard Therapies. Standard treatment of esophageal varices includes medical management, surgery, or interventional radiological procedures. These measures.Esophageal varices appear in the lower esophagus or in the upper part of the stomach. This type of varices is particularly dangerous because they can burst.La escleroterapia es un método utilizado por los médicos desde hace bastantes décadas para combatir y eliminar las várices es de varices.Ultraheli 8 € 44. Laserravi 8 € 45. Bioptron 8 € 46. Tubus-kvarts 8 € 47. Darsonval 8 € Muud protseduurid 48. Mudaravi 10 € 49. Parafinravi.This is a medical presentation that shows some bleeding coming from the varices of the esophagus. Varices are dilated veins in the distal esophagus.Voucheri hinna sees on sügavpuhastav näohooldus: u ltrahelipiiling + darsonval + näo ultraheli mikromassaaž + ultraheli fonoforees ilusalongis Freia ilustuudio.
You may look:Kirurški center Toš
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v ponedeljek, torek, četrtek in petek
od 7:30 h do 12:30 h
v sredo od 15:00 h do 19:00
Kirurški center Toš d.o.o.
Osojnikova cesta 9, SI - 2250 Ptuj
Telefon: +386 (0)2 7800 900
Telefax: +386 (0)2 7800 901